Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to your most persistent questions...
How will my home be advertised?
A typical realtor has a one size fits all approach. We know that every house is different and needs to be marketed accordingly.
What is the MLS?
Multiple Listing Service- labeled “the most dominant platform.” This platform allows every licensed real estate agent to see the listing as soon as it’s listed. Over 80% of real estate transactions take place on MLS.
Is ReHive LLC a licensed real estate brokerage?
Yes. REHIVE, LLC is a licensed real estate brokerage in the state of Louisiana, the broker of record for REHIVE, LLC is a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Realtors Association of Acadiana (RAA).
Does ReHive work with buyer agents?
We do… in fact we encourage you to work with buyer agents whether it’s with one of our licensed realtors or not. Home buying and selling can be overwhelming without a professional.
Does ReHive list on Zillow and other internet sites?
We do… in fact when we input a listing in the MLS it automatically list with Zillow and 100s more.
Does ReHive offer professional photos?
Yes, we also offer additional add-ons like virtual tours and drone shots.
Does ReHive provide home tours?
Yes, our licensed realtors are readily available to open the doors to any home.
Does ReHive provide weekly updates of activity?
Yes, we will provide weekly performance reports of listing traffic to ensure we are priced correctly in the market.
How soon can you list my home?
We pride ourselves on a quick turnover and are able to list within 2 business days after completing all the proper paperwork..
Who will show my home?
Typically, potential buyers are represented by their Realtors, and it's their Realtor that will schedule the showing and show the home to their clients. In the case that a buyer schedules a showing and doesn't have a Realtor someone from our team will show the home unless you prefer to do it yourself.